
Monday, June 9, 2008

The Last Winter

I viewed "The Last Winter" a movie about a small band of oil workers in Alaska National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) trying to begin an ice road to bring in oil drilling equipment and ran into unseasonable weather. It was raining in February.

It was a bottom of the ninth, bases loaded and mother nature up at bat sort of movie, but what struck me was the premise that the permafrost was melting, oil was seeping into the melted muck and the more that happened the more it continued to happen. Evidently the fumes poisoned the air making the workers delusional (or was it nature fighting back?). In any case it occurred to me I had heard this premise almost 40 years ago when I lived in Alaska from Charlie Edwardson Jr. (Etok) in 1970!

Etok called it "a runaway blow-in" Etok an Inupiat Eskimo activist from Point Barrow was the prime mover behind the Alaska Land Claims Settlement Act.

Anyway the point is all this global warming stuff has been obvious to the astute observer since at least 1970. I don't want to spoil the plot but lets say "The Last Winter" could have been dedicated to those who left early, haven't arrived, and don't know they aren't going to.

Just who those people are I'll let you determine.

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