
Saturday, April 19, 2008

Kauai Committee for Self-Defense?

The State Auditor, Marion Higa, pinned the tail on the donkey once again. The donkey was the State of Hawaii "which may have compromised its environmental policy in favor of a private company's internal deadline" according to Higa. Higa also recommended "an entity should be given authority to enforce environmental laws". Wait a minute; isn't the state Attorney General the entity with that enforcement authority?

Didn't Kauai Mayor Brian Baptiste urge Kauaians to "obey the laws as they exist at this time" when Governor Lingle laid down the law to the people at a meeting by threatening citizens with arrests, fines, and taking away their children if they interfered with the Superferry's passage. Weren't citizen actions to uphold the law by stopping the Superferry's passage touted as a justification for the Kauai Police Department to purchase Tasers?

Pardon my analysis but it appears law enforcement was enforcing the Superferry's right to violate the law despite citizens insistence the law be obeyed. The State turned the police on the people. Perhaps Higa should have recommended citizens organize a Kauai Committee for Self-Defense given a compliant legislature and the State's penchant to use police authority at the behest of private corporations against law abiding citizens?

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